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Convert Xml To String In Sap Free Download For Mac

by barrihoslasmata 2021. 5. 25.
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I found this a very useful topic to add to this topic by Santhosh, recently i have implemented a scenario where the source is the XML string and i needed to convert that in to XML format and save it in .xml file.
The Source file contains the xml string as mentioned below.

Step-By-Step Procedure:

1) Read the source file.

Convert Xml To String In Sap Free Download For Mac

2) Read the content in the file line by line.

3) Replace the part '><' with new line.

Learn more about SAP Q&A. How to convert a xstring to xml string. This question is answered. HI all, I have a requirement where i need to convert a itf table to xml string, I have converted itf table to xstring but now i need a way to convert xstring to xml. Thanks in advance. XML To Text Converter helps you to convert XML code to text format online. XML To PDF Converter Convert XML to PDF and Download. String Utilities.

4) Write the content in target file.

  1. Convert your XML data to Excel format using this free online tool to. Excel files can be opened directly by your favorite spreadsheet program and allows you to view the data in a convenient way, optimized for onscreen reading and printing.
  2. I found this a very useful topic to add to this topic by Santhosh, recently i have implemented a scenario where the source is the XML string and i needed to convert that in to XML format and save it in.xml file.
  3. JAXB is the best way to convert objects to XML, and MOXy is the best JAXB implementation. JAXB is standard, included in Java SE 6 Standard XML binding technology for JAX-WS, JAX-RS, and SCA.

The following code snippet illustrates the method that does the functionality.

In the above I am taking the source file and reading and storing in the string object.

The following code I am processing the string object that holds the xml content.

Once we execute the program the result xml file generated will look like this.

Some time ago, I was looking for some demonstration how to get data from SAP into an XML file and vice versa, but found nothing satisfactory on the web. So I had to start developing the 'try and error' method. By now, I believe, I've gathered enough knowledge to write that tutorial myself. Well, here it comes, and with it the complete ABAP and XSLT source code, and hopefully enough explanation that you'll be able to develop an understanding what is happening, and to use it for your own projects.

Part 1: XML to ABAP

To get started, we first of all need a structure within SAP that has to be mapped onto certain XML elements and vice versa. We want to keep things very simple, so let's say a data set shall be of a type person with the fields customer_id, first_name and last_name.

Convert Xml To String In Sap Free Download For Mac

It's easy to put this into an ABAP type:

It's also easy to think of an XML structure that can contain data of this type:

And now we're going to shift the data from the above XML file into an internal ABAP table of the type ts_person. The ABAP report to accomplish this task consists of two parts. The first part is a regular ABAP programme, the second part is an XSLT transformation. SAP supports this standard via CALL TRANSFORMATION. But more about that later.

Now copy the following code into your ABAP editor, and do read the comments to understand what's going on:

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Now we can launch the SAP XSLT editor by double clicking on the transformation z_xml_to_abap. Depending on your SAP system, you'll have to choose the transformation type. XSLT is correct here. You'll see that SAP has already created a simple XSLT frame. Replace it with the following stylesheet:

XSLT is an internet standard developed by the W3 consortium. It's supported by recent versions of most internet applications and programming suites. For example, it's included in Internet Explorer, Firefox, .NET and Java. Whereas XSLT version 1.0 can't do much more than transforming XML files from one format into another, XSLT version 2.0 can be used to solve simple programming tasks. That newer version, however, isn't supported by SAP yet.

When transforming data from or to the ABAP format, a special XML dialect called ABAP-XML is used. The SAP kernel then converts this format into ABAP internal tables or the internal tables to ABAP-XML.

Now the first part is done. This programme will successfully extract the data from the XML file and import it in an internal table. Try it by saving the XML example file in the location C:tempcustomers.xml and run the report. You can also try to alter the XSLT and the XML file, and see how it affects the result.

Part 2: ABAP to XML

The other direction from ABAP to XML works exactly the other way around. Again, we're using the type definition and the XML structure from part 1. We're appending a couple of test values to the internal table, and apply another XSLT transformation to this data. Copy the following source code into your ABAP editor, and don't forget to read the comments:

Of course, the second report also needs an XSLT stylesheet. Create it by double clicking the transformation. Then insert the following source code into the XSLT editor:

Now run your report. It'll create a valid XML file for you from the two lines of the internal table. Here you can also try to change the XSLT stylesheet, and see how your alterations affect the resulting XML file.

Final remarks

There are two more things I'd like to finally let you know. This tutorial has just shown you only the tip of the iceberg. We've used only a flat structure on the ABAP side, and the input/output XML format is also kind of flat. The XML formats in broad use are way more complex, just think of SVG, XHTML or the Microsoft Office XML files. XSLT can easily manage these complex formats as well, even from within SAP, and extract certain data from these files, or generate complex XML files containing data from the SAP tables.

The second issue I want to raise is of the code page. Of course, the code page of the XML files has to be the same one as the code page of the SAP system. Also, when downloading the generated XML file to your computer, you'll have to select the correct corresponding code page.

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You can work around this restriction if you don't use string and char data types, but xstring and raw instead. In this case, you'll have to upload and download your files in binary type. It's even possible to create UTF-8 encoded XML files in a non-unicode SAP system! The examples in this tutorial are all made to work with SAP Netweaver Trial 7.02 SP6. It's possible that you'll have to adapt the choice of code pages if you want to run them on another system.

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What I can offer for your company is more than three years of experience of XSLT integration in SAP, especially when it comes to generating complex XML files, or extracting data from XML files and storing it within SAP tables. I can also offer professional training for your IT department. Please get in touch and ask for a quote. Based in Cambodia, we can offer you high quality service at very good rates.

Get deeper into XSLT

Although a bit old, but not the least outdated, the best XSLT tutorial and reference book I've come across is 'Inside XSLT' by Steven Holzner. If you want to parse or build deeply nested XML documents, this book will help you understand XSLT in every aspect.

Every single XSLT element and XPath function is explained in detail with more than 400 code examples, for example, how to sort elements, how to use loops and if conditions, and how to convert data to other formats like HTML.
